Thursday, April 8, 2010

Seth's Six Secrets

Seth turned SIX on April 6th!
Here are a few SECRETS I'll share

#1. Seth actually LIKES getting kisses from his mom and dad.
(But don't tell!)

#2. Seth likes to play "SUPERMAN"
on the moving sidewalk at the airport
when mom and dad aren't looking.
(But don't tell them what I'm up to!)
{Oh! Hi, mom and dad!}

#3. Seth likes to jump on the couch when mom and dad aren't looking.
(But don't tell mom and dad how he got so good at doing flips!)

#4. Seth occasionally indulges his sisters and plays dress up.
(But don't tell his future girlfriends!)

#5. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING,
is more important to Seth than sneaking an extra
daily vitamin.

#6. Seth sometimes has a messy face.
Did I say 'sometimes'?
I meant 'ALWAYS'.
Sometimes the messy face even surprises Seth.
(He is so edible!)

Pssst. Here's MY secret:
I adore EVERYTHING about this boy!
He's my hero!

Happy Birthday Seth!


Robyn DeGaetano said...

I probably sound like a broken record saying this about ANOTHER one of your kids, but oh my goodness, I remember when he was first born! It's hard to believe that he is six already - what a great series of pictures :)

Emily said...

So cute! I've always enjoyed watching Seth and seeing his imagination run wild!

kimberly said...

he really is edible. what a cute post! happy birthday seth!

Cheeky Kitchen said...

Is that Vitamin "C" for cheeky?
It's so nice to see that you've taught your children how to stay true to the ultimate priorities. I would never THINK to pull up my underpants before taking my morning dose of minerals.

Happy Birthday, dear sweet Set! We love you, too!

The Cox's said...

Hilarious! My favorite is the Superman at the airport, although the naked vitamin shot is pretty funny too. Kids are so crazy, I'm glad you've captured some of it on camera!