Friday, March 30, 2012

"We can't speak their language but the kids still like to play with us" ~Hayden

Within 2 hours of our arrival in Cuenca, Ecuador we were on a bus headed to an orphanage. The bus driver had his two children on the bus with him, a young boy and girl.  Our youngest two kids, Hayden and Seth climbed onto the benches nearest them.  I wondered if their shy nature would overpower the situation.  Within 30 seconds the four of them, unable to communicate in any other way, made eye contact, offered smiles, spoke their own names, then began to PLAY!  
Rock, Paper, Scissors.  Thumb Wars.  Crazy Faces.  
It is a universal desire for children to just PLAY together.
We found this to continue to be true everywhere we went.
“Play is the language of children”

~Making friends with the bus driver's children~

~Soccer at the orphanages~

~"1,2,3.... JUMP!"~

~Fist bumps~

~Shoulder Rides~


~Gathering rocks on a walk~

~Girl Talk & Snuggling~

~Sticky-Frog on a bald head is funny in ANY language!~

~This little girl had such a cute sense of humor!
She would keep her eyes open when we said "Uno! Dos!", then quickly close them when we said "Tres!"
Such a tease!~

~Climbing into an empty lap for some play time~


~Baket ball and Soccer in the Amazon Rain Forest.  
The kids were so happy to have visitors playing with them~

~Back of the bus shenanigans~


~More Soccer!  Our favorite pass time with the kids at the OSSO orphanage.
These kids played soccer long and hard!~

~These kids loved being pushed in their chairs,
but sometimes they just wanted to play goalie without any assistance!
So inspiring!~

~We played SO MUCH SOCCER that we popped the ball!
We brought the kids a new ball the next day.... GAME ON!!!~

~Being a kid and playing so hard is exhausting work~


The Cox's said...

What a fabulous opportunity for your kids! Thanks for sharing!

Aleisha said...

Love it! Love the boots they played soccer in, and I think maybe we should get sticky hand for Camp McConkie. There is more than one bald head in our family and more on the way. :) Can't wait to hear all about it! Thanks for sharing! Love you!